Names for the Dead
'We each of us have a memory of a moment when things changed forever, though at the time we never knew it."
"As I took the diast for my first channeling, a chill ran across my spine. I looked down at the figure before before me, what used to be a man—now simply an object, one to be carried, burned and buried.His cold skin was pale as moonlight, and his face one of sublime peace. It was jarring, given how gruesome his end had been. I stepped closer, and laid a hand upon the corpses head.And I met him, what little bit of self that might remain within his bones.There were memories here. Ones of blood, of pain, and sudden end. Fear of rapidly impending mortality, and anger at those who delivered it.I shuddered as I walked through that tapestry of grief. Outside the mirror, a question was asked. I answered, two simple names, ones that I will not remember come the next hour. Even now, I couldn't say whether it was myself who spoke the names, or the man through me.The blades paid my coin—more than I could count, more than I'd seen outside my mother's coffers—but I hardly cared about payment in that moment, instead simply stumbling home, head ringing with a swirl of memories not my own.That night, once I'd finally grounded myself back in the world of the living, I realized I had found my certainty. My purpose in life.I would give the departed their voices back. And perhaps, one day. I could share them with the living world."
Consulting Eulogist
"What can I do you for? Passing rites for a dearly departed? Or... perhaps a last few words with them?"

R'mari (no surname)
Early thirties
Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Residence & Origin
Arrzaneth Ossuary vicar
Executor of last wills
"Consultant to the Departed"
Tall and pallid, R'mari stands out from the rest of the ossuary's staff. Rather than covering their head with a hood and dressing himself in the plain robes traditionally worn, silken finery drapes him from nape to cuff. Feathery hair frames their delicate features, a face that defies attempts to classify as any particular gender.Despite his beauty—or perhaps enhancing it—they bear a few marks of age, with a few dull-gray hairs among the bright silver-blonde. ones, and light creases here and there upon his face. His mismatched eyes are hardly dulled by the years, still glimmering with a playful inquisitiveness. His voice, however, is surprisingly rich and resonant, like warm honey.If his ambiguous appearance wasn't odd enough, perhaps hishabit of wearing gloves and high collared shirts would turn a few heads. Especially in Ul'dah of all places, it surely stands out. If he turns the right way, however, one might catch a peek of scar tissue beneath his collar, clashing sharply with his ethereal appearance.
Personality & Perspective
Languid and insufferable. 》 *R'mari is rarely serious outside interactions with a client, and if something else catches their interest they are wont to step away from it for a day or five, to the chagrin of those around them. Irreverent at the best of times, they have a playful personality, and love to try and get a reaction or a rise out of others, a fact many find insufferable—if not downright unpleasant. *
Professional to a fault. 》 *In stark contrast to their normal affect, while working with a client R'mari is the very picture of professionalism. Every part of the funeral proceedings, down to the smallest minutia, is to be done exactly to the estate's specifications, and they can even be rather temperamental when these standards aren't met. *
Languid perfectionist. 》 Perhaps this perfectionism is what leads them to shirk their duties to the Ossuary, seeing the current management as hardly worthy of his full attention, and they refuse to do things half-way.
A confident flair, yet easily flustered. 》 Skilled and experienced with putting on not just a funeral or a channeling, but a performance for his wealthy patrons, R'mari is airy, theatric, and a bit of a flirt... When they have ontrol of a situation. However, they are surprisingly easy to turn the tables on, and when teased themselves, they have a tendency to become tongue-tied and quiet, ripe for further bullying.
Traditional, ceremonial. 》 A traditional thaumaturge through-and-through, with a near-exclusive focus on the cultural, ritual elements of it, possessing only basic combat magic. They resent the Guild's seeming shift in priorities towards appealing more to the adventuring and militarized sorts, with less of its focus being on the traditional civic duties of a thaumaturge, and more on the education of those who see thaumaturgy merely as a weapon.
Elegiastic soul. 》 As one of the scarce few who can say they've spoken with the dead, one would have a hard time not being deeply changed by the experience. Those experiences are something R'mari deeply wishes they could share, and surely there's a part of them that burns with the desire to see and feel more of it. To learn the names, lives and deaths of all the departed he comes across, to explore the extent of it, to find what the far edge of that power holds.
Clarity of purpose. 》 R'mari truly sees both life and death to be equally beautiful things, each to be cherished and valued to their utmost. As such, they believe it of highest importance for one to find their own meaning for life, and their own certainty for which to live by. An aimless existence longing for a meaning granted by another, or a life spent in mortal fear of the hereafter, are lives they would find equally difficult to respect.
Perhaps growing up in an estate, rather than a home, contibuted to his sheltered perspective on the world
Foreigner's Princeling
Perhaps growing up in an estate, rather than a home, contibuted to his sheltered perspective on the world
Words from the Living
(under construction)
Roleplay Hooks
Hook 1. 》 tbd
A death in the family. 》 Perhaps a loved one just passed, and you find yourself in R'mari's funeral parlor, or perhaps you come from an estate distinguished enough for the ossuary itself to assign them.
Hook 2. 》 tbd
Hook 3. 》 tbd
Hook 4. 》 tbd
Rumour & Heresay
Oh. that one. She thinks she's better than the rest of us, doesn't she? Dressing like a little socialite, hobnobing with the rich and the blades both, rather than doing her duties here. She's a disgrace to the title of vicar, I tell you."
~ A particularly catankerous Ossuary prelate
"Ah the wonderful young man who ordained the funeral of my dear husband? Oh, he was so nice. But, between you and me, isn't he... well, you know, a 'confirmed tia'?"
~ Matriarch of the Fowler family
"Spiritualists, mediums, pah. They're all frauds in my book, showmen and con artists. Seen a number of them scam my fellow merchant out of no small penny. Except... perhaps not that one. The gembroker's daughter."
~ Hawbrook, silvers trader
"That's no man. No, not a woman either. Maybe once, but now I'm not so sure. I've seen Them, you know. Rapt in some sort of trance, communing with other voices. They're like... some kind of walking tomb, crawled out of the ossuary catacombs. Gives me the chills."
~ A rather unnerved young deacon
Tick tock, tick tockI often think of my own death.(...)Will it be peace? A reward for my service, after all these years.Will it be a mass grave?
"Mari? He's been a great help, what with teaching me things about Ul'dah and all, and he's always got interesting things to say about stuff. I just wish he'd stop nagging me about things like... Getting more than two hours of sleep. Or vegetables. Or not tracking dirt on his rug. I mean, it's a rug! Isn't that what rugs are for?!"
~ Raih'sae Zhwan, ameteur Red Mage and self-proclaimed do-gooder

I generally go by **Nisha ** ooc, but referring to me by character name is perfectly fine as well!
I live in the **pacific United States ** (-7GMT timezone), but I'm only on somewhat sporadically, as I raid often on Aether datacenter as well, so my time in-game is split between the two.
**Communication is vital. ** If a scene or something involved within makes you uncomfortable, tell me. I am not going to be bothered by this, or even if you need to stop for whatever reason (even if you're not having fun or just not feeling it!)
I prefer communicating in-game initially, and can be reached via tells or even moogle mail, if you so desire.
I choose not to RP with anyone under the age of 18. It isn't personal, just a decision made for my safety and the safety of minors in the community.
I am not my character. Please keep OOC and IC separate.
Theme | Description | Y/N |
Casual RP | Light-hearted social scenes with little drama, sometimes comedic. | Absolutely! |
Adventure RP | Characters partaking in a journey or trip, often involving combat and some medium-level of drama. | R'mari would hate it. (Yes) |
Romance RP | Intimate relationship roleplay, whether committed or on a more casual basis (ic) | heavily case-by-case basis. If the characters have good chemistry, I'm not against it, with the caveat that R'mari is a bit of a disaster, who's romantic experience mostly comes in the form of high-society dalliances, rather than actual relationships. |
Drama RP | Heavily emotional scenes, often explorative of the characters personally. | Ideal. I love this kind of thing, and R'mari fits it well. |
Dark RP | Scenes often revolve around mature themes like drugs, sex, crime, and killing. | I'm not opposed to it, though it heavily depends on the topics involved. Case by case basis, talk to me about it first. |
Erotic RP | Scenes based primarily around the act of sex. | R'mari is a flirt, but for me sex is interresting for the emotional and interpersonal interraction involved, rather than the physicality. I'm not a stranger to it, but a fade to black often works just as well! |